This restoration will look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth.
An implant that restores a single tooth is an excellent replacement choice, as the restoration will look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. Additionally, through exciting surgical advances, we can often deliver an implant at the same time a tooth is removed — this is known as immediate placement and can be applicable to any tooth in the mouth. Sometimes missing tooth sites don't have enough bony support for an implant. This may require grafting before or during implant placement.
Full-sized implants are typically not recommended for growing individuals as their position will shift relative to the other teeth. However, at Minnesota Dental Surgery we offer mini-implant solutions to temporarily restore teeth until a child is fully grown. This is an excellent treatment option for congenitally missing premolars and lateral incisors during the teenage years.
Minnesota Dental Surgery & Implant Center brings highly trained skills often found in a large dental surgery center to a friendly neighborhood office environment. Our licensed dentists have special training in various dental procedures including dental extractions, implants, and sedation.